DPS Amalapuram

Payment of Fee

Fees should be paid in three instalments.
Mode of payment: Cheque / Cash / Bank Transfer / Debit Card / Credit Card

Kindly note the dates of the term fee

Term-I : Before 30th April
Term-II : Before 31st August
Term-III : Before 30th November

Fees paid after the due date may attract a late fee.

School Policies

  • Self – discipline is the forte of the school.
  • The school begins at 9:00 Am for the students. All students are expected to reach school before the bell rings. After 8:45 the school gates will be closed.
  • Late coming of any students will not be permitted.
  • Students should maintain cleanliness and hygiene within the school campus. Littering is prohibited.
  • Students should observe polite civil behaviour. Ragging, Screaming or use of unparliamentarily language is forbidden.
  • DPSA constitutes a family of students from various communities, religious and linguistic groups. The medium of instruction and communication is English in the school campus, Bus. Office instruction language will be English / Hindi / Telugu.
  • The school is not responsible for any loss of student’s belongings on the premises.
  • Under no pretext should a student miss any teaching/games/activity period.
  • The student should not leave the premises during the school working hours. 

DPS Amalapuram

#Throwback to spectacular student performances! 🌟 Celebrating #YoungStars, #FutureArtists, and #RisingStars with brilliance and talent that shines brightly!

DPS Amalapuram

#Throwback to spectacular student performances! 🌟 Celebrating #YoungStars, #FutureArtists, and #RisingStars with brilliance and talent that shines brightly!

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